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progr. expired
gen. snap into action; activate
inf. go on; make; produce; turn out
math. function; come into action; actuate
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IT SNMP trap

verb | verb | to phrases
сработать vstresses
gen. snap into action (Anglophile); activate (ctirip1); respond; wear (away); be activated; kick in (Ремедиос_П); spring to action (VLZ_58); work for (They should stick with the same strategy, because it worked for them last year. VLZ_58); work like a charm (превосходно VLZ_58); manufacture (Супру)
Gruzovik respond (pf of срабатывать); wear away (pf of срабатывать)
Игорь Миг cobble together
automat. trip (Lialia03)
fig. pan out (The investment scheme didn't quite pan out • Looks like Bitcoin will not be safe haven in geopol crises. Digital gold (Bitcoin) has plummeted to <$37k, while Gold has risen >$1900/oz. Correlation between digital & analog Gold is now even neg. Narrative that digital Gold is better way to escape has not panned out in Ukraine. theguardian.com Val_Ships)
Gruzovik, inf. make (pf of срабатывать); produce (pf of срабатывать); turn out (pf of срабатывать)
inf. go on (напр., о контрольной лампе Damirules); make; produce; turn out; work (Andrey Truhachev); work out (olga69); fly (в фразе "это (больше) не сработает" // Let's see if that idea flies. / I don't think that's going to fly. / I want him to know that won't fly anymore. 4uzhoj); do the thing (as in "it'll do the thing" – это сработает Val_Ships); work out all right (о некоем плане, замысле sophistt); of a device, machine, etc. work
math. function; come into action; actuate; operate
sec.sys. go off (You can reach me at this number if the alarm goes off. – если сработает сигнализация ART Vancouver)
tech. deploy (Tragically, her air bag did not deploy in an accident. – подушка безопасности не сработала ART Vancouver); succession of action (напр., о предохранителе Sagoto); kick in (о системе автоматики Val_Ships)
сработаться v
gen. achieve harmony in work; work well with; fall into step (Anglophile); deteriorate; wear away; wear out (of a machine); work in harmony (with); work well together; fit in (he didn't fit in – он не сработался с остальными/коллективом/товарищами Рина Грант); make a good team (в контексте, напр., "I think we'll make a good team" – "пожалуй, мы сработаемся" Рина Грант); click (for a casual/conversational context) "they needed time to click." | Also, a little less casual: "figure out how to work together" or "… to work as a team." Or, especially if there was some distance and alienation in the beginning, "get along" or "see eye to eye." The latter two are neutral register, but relate more to an emotional affinity than to developing the ability to function as a well-oiled machine. (c) Liv Bliss 4uzhoj); get on with (someone Рина Грант); pull together
Gruzovik work in harmony with (pf of срабатываться); work well together (pf of срабатываться); wear away (pf of срабатываться); wear out (pf of срабатываться); deteriorate (pf of срабатываться)
Игорь Миг hit it off
hockey. work out (HARagLiAMov)
Makarov. achieve harmony in work (о совместной работе); wear out (износиться); work well together (о совместной работе)
slang feather in (с коллективом, с товарищами)
сработал v
gen. has worked (Teodorrrro)
хорошо сработать v
gen. do a thing; do one's thing
сработал v
progr. expired (глагол ssn)
сработавший prtc.
nano tripped
: 80 phrases in 18 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Electrical engineering1
Energy industry1
Machinery and mechanisms1
Quotes and aphorisms1
Security systems1