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gen. contend; debate; discuss; dispute; fight; have an argument
| он
slavon. archaic name of the letter о
| выиграет
gen. win

verb | verb | to phrases
спорить vstresses
gen. dispute; altercate; clatter; join issue with; make words; scuffle; squabble; stickle; threap down; word; argue; challenge; question; put up an argument; at odds with (sb., sth, с кем-л.); be at odds with (sb., sth., с кем-л.); fall out; fall-out; stand up to (с кем-л.); debate; quarrel; bet; contend; bicker; spar; expostulate; jangle; wrangle; be at cross purposes; polemize; threap; chaffer; contradictious; rag; strive; controvert; argue with about (с кем-либо, о чём-либо); debate about with (о чём-либо, с кем-либо); debate on with (о чём-либо, с кем-либо); debate over with (о чём-либо, с кем-либо); exchange words with; thwart with (с кем-либо); bandy; polemicize; quarreller; join issuance; have an argument (белка-83); hassle (вплоть до драки Franka_LV); argy bargy; jar; break a lance (с кем-либо); have a row; chop logic; chew the rag; dispute about (о чём-либо); go to the mat; canvass; discuss; fight (также перен.); chop; pamphleteer; scrap; contest; haggle; compete; argue with (someone – с кем-л.: I'm not sure I want to argue with a school trustee who has posed with a Colt .45 on the cover of a magazine. ART Vancouver); backtalk (Artjaazz); make a case with (Paul, dressed in street clothes, came on the court during a timeout to make a case with one of the referees. VLZ_58)
Gruzovik answer back; discuss (impf of поспорить); compete (impf of поспорить); argue about/against
amer. betcha (Taras)
busin. have arguments with (smb, с кем-л.); argue about; disagree
fig. clash; fight (with с + instr. or против); battle; compete (with с + instr., with); vie for (with за + acc.)
Gruzovik, inf. bet on (impf of поспорить); wager (impf of поспорить)
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. fight (impf of поспорить)
inf. quarrel out (с кем-либо на предмет чего-либо; e.g.: The girl's mother was quarreling out with her daughter about the party. Acruxia); bet (on); argy-bargy (Do not argy-bargy with such radges – С такими козлами лучше не спорить Taras); wager; give backchat (VLZ_58)
law stand with
Makarov. haggle (особ. по мелочам); argue against; join issue; contest with; debate about with (о чём-либо с кем-либо); debate on with (о чём-либо с кем-либо); debate over with (о чём-либо с кем-либо); debate upon with (о чём-либо с кем-либо); dispute against (с кем-либо); dispute on (о чём-либо); dispute upon (о чём-либо); dispute with (с кем-либо); exchange words with (с кем-либо); tilt; take issue on (о чём-либо); argue the toss (обыкн. по пустякам); be in dispute; bet between friends (обычно без денег); have an argument about; have an argument over; have words; rag over (из-за чего-либо); strive for; take issue with (с кем-либо); be at cross-purposes
Makarov., bible.term., obs. reason with (с кем-либо)
Makarov., inf., Scotl. to argy-bargy
Makarov., obs. thwart with
mil. take issue
obs. brangle; japan; be of benefit to (И; навоз спорит урожаю Супру)
obs., bible.term. reason (with; с кем-либо)
slang argy-bargy; beat out something; beef; beefing; flap one's chops jowls; jaw; lip; jaw; lung; give static (I want you to do it and do it now! Don't give me any static! VLZ_58)
спориться v
gen. contend; debate; discuss; dispute; fight (также перен.); have an argument (about); succeed; compete; get along
Gruzovik, inf. turn out well; go well; work out well
inf. bet (on); go well; turn out well; wager; work out well; go smoothly (Andrey Truhachev)
спорим? v
gen. bet (Alexander Matytsin)
спорим v
Игорь Миг I'll bet anything; I'll bet you anything; I would bet you anything
спорим? v
inf. betcher (Anglophile); watch me! (когда говорящий понимает, что собеседник не принимает его слова всерьез: – You just can't do that now, not after all we've been through... – Really? Watch me! ad_notam)
спорим на что-л. v
cliche. I will bet you sth. (I will bet you a cheeseburger! But if you win I will buy it tomorrow, okay? ART Vancouver)
Спорим? v
inf. Bet you! (Anglophile)
спорят v
gen. can't understand (youtube.com Butterfly812)
спорим! v
inf. you're on! (в ответ на предложение побиться об заклад) "Beat you there!" "You're on!": – Спорим, я первым туда прибегу? – Спорим! ad_notam)
споря v
obs. quarrelingly
over спорить v
univer., jarg. rag
: 377 phrases in 26 subjects
Bookish / literary2
Mass media3
Obsolete / dated5
Uncommon / rare1