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gen. combine; band together; amalgamate; coalesce; consolidate; fuse
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gen. institution
| катализа
Makarov. Ca catalysis
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adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
объединённый adj.stresses
gen. associate; conjoint; incorporate; joint; conjunct; consolidated; united; cooperative; all-in-package; amalgamate; associated; combined; integrated; amalgamated; joined; consolidate; u; collective (Nadia U.); all in package; corporate (Marta Kohler); fused (Min$draV); public; collaborative (ssn); unified; confederate; conglomerate; conglomeratic; general; communal (напр., о собственности); connected (kee46); joint-agency (напр., в названиях операций правоохранительных органов и т.п. 4uzhoj); co-operative; twinned
Gruzovik centralized
chem. banded; unionized
comp. incorporated; union
construct. affiliated; continuous
dril. unitized
econ. conjoined
el. federate; synthetic
energ.ind. joint (напр., комитет и др.)
Gruzovik, econ. comb. (combined); Con. (consolidated)
Gruzovik, mil. A (allied)
herald. joinant
Makarov. all-in-package (о мероприятиях и т.п.); assembled; block; complex; grouped; integrate; made integral (with); piled
math. pooled
med. JT
meteorol. jet
mil. allied; combined coordinating committee; joint embarkation organization; joint (с участием представителей различный видов ВС Киселев)
mil., tech. pool
nano clustered; coherent
NATO combined (США)
progr. intermixed (ssn); inlined (bigmaxus)
qual.cont. banked
relig. become combined
SAP.tech. merged
tech. integral; combination
telecom. federated (oleg.vigodsky)
tib. zung ’jug
объединиться v
gen. combine; band together (ART Vancouver); amalgamate; coalesce; consolidate; fuse; incorporate; league; come together; team up; form a close-knit community; shape a close-knit community; combinate; foregather; forgather; close the ranks; gang together (против кого-либо lexicographer); integrate; merge; syncretize; unify; ally; fuze; join (join in with somebody – присоединиться к кому-либо); knit; stand up united (Let's stand up united against gun violence. // The residents stand up united on this: the prison clearly doesn't fit in this family neighbourhood. пример позаимствован у ART Vancouver 4uzhoj); have got united (against ... – против ... Alex_Odeychuk); join forces (with bookworm); come together (He stressed the importance of coming together in order to deliver a viable alternative at the municipal elections. ART Vancouver); band together (против угрозы чего-л.: In the early 1970s, local groups banded together to stop the construction of a freeway down Venables Street (...) (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik unite with (pf of объединяться); syncretize (pf of объединяться)
Игорь Миг gang up; make common cause
Makarov. join hands; make a junction; join up with; line up against (против кого-либо); line up against (против кого-либо); unite with (с); join forces
polit. join together (slitely_mad)
slang two-time (с кем-то для борьбы или чтобы побить третьего)
объединить v
gen. combine; merge (Offshore); fall together; unify; knit; band; amalgamate; consolidate; embody; incorporate; integrate; league; combinate; stitch together (Calax); bracket together (Liv Bliss); marshal together (Ремедиос_П)
Gruzovik unify (pf of объединять)
Игорь Миг bridge
amer. team up (усилия с кем-либо Val_Ships)
archit. weld together; weld
astronaut. collate
comp., MS combine (To join two or more paths in various ways depending on the combine option chosen); merge (To combine two or more items, such as lists, in an ordered way and without changing the basic structure of either); unite (To combine two or more shapes or paths to result in a single compound path that represents all of the area that was covered by the individual shapes and paths. If the resulting path is not a solid shape (for example, if there are holes), you can release the compound path, which results in a path object being created for each contiguous edge)
econ. mutualise (напр., риски ZolVas)
Makarov. assemble; associate; unite; join up with; join
math. connect; pool
microel. bank
patents. compile
relig. become combined
объединённые adj.
idiom. all rolled into one (Elenq)
water.res. collated
в сложных словах имеет значение объединённый adj.
gen. gamo
объединенный adj.
gen. combined (Post Scriptum)
объединимый prtc.
dat.proc. poolable (igisheva)
Объединённый институт
: 37 phrases in 17 subjects
Energy industry1
International Monetary Fund1
Name of organization3
Nuclear physics1
United Nations4