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НДПИ abbr.stresses
gen. MET (Mineral Extraction Tax Katerina.br); royalty (Mr Wildman); severance tax (налог на добычу полезных ископаемых. A tax imposed on the removal of nonrenewable resources such as crude oil, condensate and natural gas, coalbed methane and carbon dioxide. Severance tax is charged to producers, or anyone with a working or royalty interest, in oil or gas operations in the imposing states. You may be charged severance tax even if you do not realize a net profit on your investment. Read more: Severance Tax investopedia.com Alexander Demidov)
mining. mineral extraction tax (MichaelBurov)
O&G tax on natural resources production (starkside); mineral replacement tax (MichaelBurov); mineral tax (MichaelBurov); reserves replacement tax (MichaelBurov); MRT (MichaelBurov); MPT (Mineral Production Tax – Налог на Добычу Полезных Ископаемых v!ct0r)
tax. subsoil tax (Ramzess)
 Russian thesaurus
НДПИ abbr.
abbr., goldmin. налог на добычу полезных ископаемых (MichaelBurov); налог на добычу полезных ископаемых, отчисления на воспроизводство минерально-сырьевой базы (MichaelBurov); отчисления на воспроизводство минерально-сырьевой базы (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G налог на воспроизводство минерально-сырьевой базы; плата за недра
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects
Oil and gas3