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gen. anywhen; sooner or later; eventually
inf. for ever and a day
lit. elsewhen; elsewhen
polit. Alki; Al-ki
uncom. somewhen
| попаду
gen. be caught
| право
cables laws
| поколочу его
 поколоти его!
inf. Let him have it!
| собственными руками
 собственной рукой
gen. in holograph

to phrases
gen. anywhen; sooner or later; eventually (в будущем Stas-Soleil); on the day; some day or other; some summer's day; some fine day; some place; one day; one of these fine days (о будущем); one of these days (One of these days, he won't be so lucky. 4uzhoj); ever; sometime; some time or other; some time; yet; in the fullness of time (VLZ_58); by and by (Andrey Truhachev); at some stage (suburbian); at some point (в знач. "рано или поздно, в какой-то момент" 4uzhoj); some day (в будущем); down the road (VLZ_58); someday; at one time or other; at any time; in interr. sentences ever; other time
idiom. somewhere down the road (Somewhere down the road, they're going to clash. VLZ_58)
inf. for ever and a day
lit. elsewhen (ещё Artjaazz); elsewhen (ещё; At some other time or times. – answers.com Artjaazz)
media. at some time (igisheva)
polit. Alki (Washington state motto Chinook Jargon: By and by / Some day Andrey Truhachev); Al-ki (Washington state motto Chinook Jargon: By and by / Some day Andrey Truhachev)
rhetor. at some point (Alex_Odeychuk)
uncom. somewhen; once
uncom., dial. otherwhiles; otherwhile
: 143 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Uncommon / rare1