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bible.term. hist. John
 Иоанн I
relig. John
 Иоанн II
relig. John
 Иоанн IV
relig. John
 Иоанн IX
relig. John
 Иоанн V
relig. John
 Иоанн VI
relig. John
 Иоанн VII
relig. John
 Иоанн VIII
relig. John
gen. Johanna

noun | noun | to phrases
Иоанн nstresses
bible.term., hist. John
names Evan; Jock; Johnny; John
rel., christ. Ioannes (лат. browser)
relig. John (XX) (Nonexistent Pope. A confusion in the numbering of Popes named John after John XIV resulted because Marianus Scotus and other 11th-century historians mistakenly believed that there had been a Pope named John between antipope Boniface VII and the true John XV; XX); John (XXIII) (Schismatic antipope from 1410 to 1415; XXIII)
relig., lat. Joannes ("John", Jo.)
Иоанн XXIII n
relig. John (One of the most popular Popes of all times - reigned 1958-63- who inaugurated a new era in the history of the Roman Catholic Church by his openness to change, shown especially in his convoking of the second Vatican Council)
Иоаннов n
bible.term. Johannine (QuietWind)
Иоанн... n
names John...
Иоанн II n
relig. John (Pope from 533 to 535 and the first pontiff to change his original name, which he considered pagan)
Иоанн V n
relig. John (Pope from July 23, 685, to August 2, 686. A man of learning and generosity, he made liberal donations for the poor)
Иоанн VII n
relig. John (Pope from 705 to 707 who was noted for his devotion to the Virgin Mary and for his energetic restoration of Roman churches)
Иоанн IX n
relig. John (Pope from 898 to 900. His councils made compulsory the presence of an imperial emissary at papal elections)
Иоанн XII n
relig. John (Pope from 955 to 964 who was elected when he was only about 18 years of age)
Иоанн XIV n
relig. John (Pope from 983 to 984. His sole extant document is a letter to Archbishop Alo of Benevento, Italy, concerning church reform)
Иоанн XVII n
relig. John XVII or XVIII Pope from June to December 1003. He was merely a puppet of the Crescentii, then the most influential family in Rome (XVIII)
Иоанн XIX n
relig. John XIX (or XX) (Pope from 1024 to 1032. Generally considered inept as Pope because of his greed, John consented to be paid for recognizing the patriarch of Constantinople; XX)
Иоанн XXII n
relig. John Second Avignon Pope – reigned 1316-34 – who centralized church administration, condemned the Spiritual Franciscans, and, against Emperor Louis IV, upheld papal authority over imperial elections
Иоанн I n
relig. John (Pope from 523 to 526 who ended the Acacian Schism - 484-519 - thus reuniting the Eastern and Western churches by restoring peace between the papacy and the Byzantine emperor Justin I)
Иоанн IV n
relig. John (Pope from 640 to 642 who perpetuated Severinus' condemnation of monothelitism. He sent an emissary to redeem Balkan Christians captured during Slavic invasions, and he defended the highly controversial orthodoxy of Pope Honorius I who had held that Christ's human and divine natures were indivisible and that the Son's will was not different from that of the Father)
Иоанн VI n
relig. John (Pope from 701 to 705. In his only extant letter, John ordered the restoration of the deposed bishop St. Wilfrid of York)
Иоанн VIII n
relig. John (Pope from 872 to 882. He solved a controversy over orthodoxy between the Holy See and the East by recognizing in 879 the heretofore condemned Photius as patriarch of Constantinople. Between 875 and 881 he fortified Rome against the Saracens and founded a papal navy)
Иоанн X n
relig. John (Pope from 914 to 928 who approved the severe rule of the newly founded Benedictine order of Cluny)
Иоанн XIII n
relig. John (Pope from 965 to 972. His alliance with the imperial family made his pontificate peaceful)
Иоанн XVI n
relig. John XVI (or XVII) (Antipope from 997 to 998. After having been blinded and mutilated, he was either imprisoned or confined to a monastery; XVII)
Иоанн XVIII n
relig. John XVIII (or XIX) (Pope from 1004 to 1009. More independent of the powerful Italian Crescentii family than John XVII, he eventually abdicated and died shortly thereafter at the Abbey of St. Paul Outside the Walls, Rome; XIX)
Иоанн XXI n
relig. John (Pope from 1276 to 1277, one of the most scholarly pontiffs in papal history)
Иоанн XI n
relig. John (Pope from 931 to about 935, the son of Marozia, dominant lady of the Roman Crescentii family. In 932/933 he was confined by his half-brother Alberic II to the Lateran and remained a prisoner until his death)
Иоанн XV n
relig. John XV (or XVI) (Pope from 985 to 996, who carried out the first solemn canonization in history by papal decree; XVI)
Иоанна n
gen. Johanna (женское имя)
names Joan
 Russian thesaurus
Иоанн n
gen. 1087-1143 II византийский император с 1118; из династии Комнинов. Одержал победы над печенегами 1122, сербами ок. 1124, венграми 1129, сельджуками 1135; установил суверенитет Византии над Антиохией 1137. Большой Энциклопедический словарь ; 1195 - после 1270 английский филолог, теоретик стихотворного искусства. Большой Энциклопедический словарь ; 2-я пол. 11 в. византийский философ, ученик Михаила Пселла. Тяготение к традициям аристотелизма привело его к конфликту с церковью; еретические тезисы Иоанна Итала преданы анафеме в 1082. Большой Энциклопедический словарь ; архиепископ Сан-Францисский, см. Шаховской Д. А. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
Иоанн XXIII n
gen. Giovanni, 1881-1963 римский папа с 1958. Стремился модернизировать католическую церковь в связи с изменившимися в мире условиями. В 1962 созвал 2-й Ватиканский собор. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 327 phrases in 25 subjects
Bookish / literary1
Historical figure1
Names and surnames7
Obsolete / dated1
Proper name5