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Идти в ногу со временемstresses
fig.of.sp. Get with the times (EidelTina)
идти в ногу со временем
gen. keep up with the times; move with the times (OALD Alexander Demidov); be in step with the times (Anglophile); keep abreast of the times; be in step with the time (Mag A); with one's finger on the pulse (arturmoz); stay in-step with the times (kefiring); stay current (maystay); be relevant (eugenealper); keep in step with the times (To be, strive to be, or appear to be contemporary, fashionable, and/or relevant in modern times. There are as many who want the church to maintain its traditional values as there are those who think it must keep in step with the times. As information becomes more readily available in a digital format, publishers are going to have to change their methods if they want to keep in step with the times. thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov); keep abreast with the times; keep pace with the times (with the events, with the rest of team, etc., и т.д.)
Игорь Миг get real
idiom. move with the time (nuraraya)
Makarov. go with the tides; go with the times; be abreast of time; keep up with the time; move with the times
math. the publication is kept up to date
slang switch on (Interex)
Идти в ногу со временем
: 6 phrases in 5 subjects
Cultural studies1
Mass media1