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gen. however; by the way; it must be said; admittedly; then again; yet
geol. incidentally
| многие
gen. multi
| деятельные
gen. abuzz
| и
gen. and
| заботливые
gen. careful
| люди
gen. people
| никак не
 никак не
gen. in no way
| хотели
gen. feel like
| успокоиться
gen. appease
| и
gen. and
| поговаривали, что
 поговаривают, что
gen. there is a tale going about
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
| дальних
gen. remote
| частях города
 часть города
gen. area
| всё ещё
 всё ещё
gen. as yet
| показывался
gen. appear
| чиновник
gen. bureaucrat
| мертвец
gen. corpse

to phrases
впрочем conj.stresses
gen. however; by the way; it must be said (D Cassidy); admittedly (promo); then again (в начале предложения boggler); yet (Tamerlane); anyway (promo); though (OLGA P.); not that (Побеdа); from another cause; upon the matter; upon the whole matter; otherwise; over and above; over and besides; withal; but then; but then again; that said (Liv Bliss)
Gruzovik on the other hand; nevertheless
Игорь Миг tellingly
geol. incidentally
inf. mind you (I've heard they're getting divorced. Mind you, I'm not surprised – they were always arguing. • His advice wasn't very helpful. I'm not criticizing him, mind you. Юрий Гомон)
math. besides; but; or rather; then; though
a впрочем conj.
gen. or, never mind (Or, never mind, I'll just call her. 4uzhoj)
amer. on second thought (4uzhoj)
: 16 phrases in 4 subjects
British usage, not spelling1