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военный округstresses
med. department
mil. military district (Military districts (also called military regions) are formations of a state's armed forces (often of the Army) which are responsible for a certain area of territory. They are often more responsible for administrative than operational matters, and in countries with conscript forces, often handle parts of the conscription cycle. Navies have also used a similar model, with organizations such as the United States Naval Districts. A number of navies in South America used naval districts at various points in time.); military command (сухопутных войск; UK equivalent; from 1995, UK commands and later districts were replaced by regenerative divisions); military region (ssn); defense command (сухопутных войск; UK equivalent; from 1995, UK commands and later districts were replaced by regenerative divisions); military command region (CNN Alex_Odeychuk); army area (СВ); army command (сухопутных войск; UK equivalent; from 1995, UK commands and later districts were replaced by regenerative divisions); command
mil., canad. Canadian Forces region
 Russian thesaurus
военный округ
gen. ВО; территориальное общевойсковое объединение частей, соединений, военно-учебных заведений и различных местных военных учреждений. Возглавляется командующим войсками военного округа. Деление территории страны на военные округа практикуется во многих государствах. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
Военный округ
: 71 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Intelligence and security services1