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Вместе с тем
 вместе с тем
gen. however; also; still; concurrently; meanwhile; be that as it may
build.struct. instead
math. moreover
relig. therewith
scient. while
| его
gen. his
| характеризовали
gen. describe
| как человека
 как человек
gen. in a man-like way
| щедрого
щедрый на
| оказывающего
math. rendering
| широкую
gen. across
| помощь нуждающимся
 помощь нуждающимся
inf. relief

to phrases
вместе с темstresses
в то же время
gen. however (Lenochkadpr); meanwhile (Post Scriptum); with that; at once (at once stern and tender – строгий и вместе с тем нежный); at the same time; alongside this (Toughguy); in the meantime (yakamozzz); that said (Pickman); along with this (bigmaxus); having said that (UniversalLove); along with that (d*o*zh); that being said (sas_proz); without prejudice to the above (AsIs); therewithal; somehow (Ivan Pisarev); without prejudice to (AsIs); together (dzingu); withal
Gruzovik also; still; in addition to that
Игорь Миг concurrently; be that as it may; beyond that
build.struct. instead (Ivan Pisarev)
math. moreover; together with; in addition (to that)
O&G, sakh. alongside with that
relig. therewith
scient. while (igisheva)
Вместе с тем
: 20 phrases in 6 subjects
Electrical engineering1