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Виктор nstresses
names Victor (фамилия и мужское имя; ударение на первом слоге); Victor
relig. Victor (IV) (1. Antipope from March to May 29, 1138. He succeeded the antipope Anacletus II but the renowned mystic abbot St. Bernard of Clairvaux influenced him to reconcile with Innocent; 2. Antipope from 1159 to 1164, the first of four antipopes established against Pope Alexander III by the Holy Roman emperor Frederick I Barbarossa. In adopting his papal name, he ignored the antipope Victor of 1138; IV)
Виктор II n
relig. Victor (Pope from 1055 to 1057. As guardian of the emperor's infant son, Henry IV, and as adviser to the empress regent Agnes, Victor wielded enormous power, which he employed tactfully to maintain peace throughout the empire and to strengthen the papacy against baronial aggressions)
Виктор I n
relig. Victor (Pope from about 189 to 199, under whom Latin replaced Greek as the official language of the Roman church. In addition to settling the Easter controversy, he held a number of synods at Rome to deal with the dynamic monarchian heresy of the Byzantine merchant Theodotus)
Виктор III n
relig. Victor HI Pope from 1086 to 1087. On May 24, 1086, the cardinals proclaimed him Pope against his will, but before his consecration was completed, he was driven from Rome by supporters of the Holy Roman emperor Henry IV, who had set up the antipope Clement III in 1084
 Russian thesaurus
Виктор n
gen. ум. 251 или 258 христианский мученик, пострадавщий в Коринфе в гонение императора Деция; ученик мученика Кодрата. Память в Православной церкви 31 января 13 февраля и 10 марта. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 39 phrases in 8 subjects
Firefighting and fire-control systems1
Names and surnames14
Proper name1