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lit. Off one's noggin (Someone isn't thinking clearly for whatever reason. This can be from a severe hangover to someone with some type of mental illness. : I don't mind being compared to an emperor but not one who was off his noggin. Precisian)
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gen. jump out of one's skin (от радости, удивления и т. п.); be in transports; be all wheed up (от восторга, возбуждения и т. п.); be in a swivet; be in a tear; run amok; be on the rampage; be beside oneself (от чего-либо); steam (His wife was steaming when he finally got home. VLZ_58); be frantic (Юрий Гомон); get pissed off (Побеdа); be in a flaming passion; be beside one's self; be off one's head; off one's head
Игорь Миг be beyond furious
fig.of.sp. be kicked off (molik)
idiom. jump out of one's skin (от радости, изумления Taras)
inf. be past oneself; go ballistic (от злобы Val_Ships); blow a gasket (george serebryakov)
Makarov. be out of one's right mind; be out of one's right mind; jump out of one's skin (от радости, удивления и т. п.); run amuck; be beside oneself (от счастья или гнева)
Makarov., inf. crack up
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: 80 phrases in 6 subjects
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