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Большая часть
 бо́льшая часть
gen. good part of; the better half of; better part of
archit. the major part
busin. major portion
energ.ind. bulk
Makarov. major part
math. most of
 большая часть
gen. large portion; mass
| цифровых систем
 цифровая система
tech. digital communication system
| принципиально синхронные
 принципиально синхронный
el. principally synchronous
| т.е
gen. in other words
| почти все сигналы
 почти все сигналы
el. most of the signals
| меняют
gen. vary
| свои
gen. peculiar
| состоя
gen. come about
- only individual words found

to phrases
бо́льшая частьstresses
gen. the better half of something (чего-либо); the better part of; the larger half; generality; heft; majority; much of something (чего-либо); the best part of (чего-либо); the most part (the proofs are, for the most part, only sketched • the Siberian coasts are for the most part covered with ice); the great mass of; great deal (qwarty); substantially as an entirety (ударение на о; контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П); substantially all (ударение на о; контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П)
Gruzovik the greater part
Игорь Миг good part of
archit. the major part
busin. major portion
el. mass
energ.ind. bulk (чего-либо)
Makarov. major part; the feck; the mass (чего-либо); the most feck
math. most of
большая часть
gen. large portion (of: A large portion of Republicans think Obama is a bigger threat than Assad, Putin or Ayatollah Khamenei; So we shouldn't be all that surprised when a poll reveals that a large portion of Republicans would support a military coup d'état Taras); mass (чего-либо); most (+ gen., of); to a large extent (Andrey Truhachev); large segment (Ivan Pisarev); much of (Ivan Pisarev); most of (Ivan Pisarev); most part (Ivan Pisarev); large part of (Ivan Pisarev); large portion of (Ivan Pisarev); significant part of (Ivan Pisarev); substantial part of (Ivan Pisarev); essential part of (Ivan Pisarev); significant portion of (Ivan Pisarev); substantial portion of (Ivan Pisarev); a good deal of; a great deal of; the most part; the better half; main
idiom. great deal of (Yeldar Azanbayev)
большей частью
gen. primarily (VLZ_58)
большую часть
gen. much of (месяца; the month; Our Chairman will work with you on the invitations as I will be in Russia much of March. snowleopard)
Большая часть цифровых систем – принципиально синхронные , т.е. почти все сигналы меняют свои
: 1 phrase in 1 subject