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амулет nstresses
gen. amulet; charm; voodoo; fetish; joss; periapt; phylactery (у язычников); abraxas; churinga; juju; scarab; scarabaeus; fetiche (Anglophile); fetich; frontlet; medicine; saphie (в Африке); rabbit's foot (a charm carried to bring good luck, traditionally consisting of the left rear foot of a rabbit Taras); safekeeper (...sending him, when he was going away to school, a “safe-keeper” which the old man had carried since his own boyhood (Archilde still possessed two such amulets from Modeste’s hand, one an eagle-bone whistle and the other the polished claw of a grizzly) kadzeno)
african. grigri (an amulet, charm, or spell of African origin Taras); gris-gris (an amulet, charm, or spell of African origin Taras)
esot. medicine (among the Native Americans, any object supposed to give control over natural or magical forces, to act as a protective charm, or to cause healing)
fr. porte-bonheur
hockey. mascot (thanks to Moby Thesaurus at dict.org ilgiz)
obs. phylacter (у язычников)
relig. amulet (A charm - as an ornament - often inscribed with a magic incantation or symbol to protect the wearer against evil - as disease or witchcraft - or to aid him); charm-seal; tjurunga; voodoo (A sorcerer's spell, hex; 3. A hexed object)
slang mojo; mui (в виде чертовой головы или крошечной змейки и т.п.)
south.afr. saphie; obeah; obi
Амулеты изделия ювелирные n
commer. amulets jewellery / amulets jewelry (Nice Classification, 11th Edition, 140006 oVoD)
 Russian thesaurus
амулет n
gen. предмет, который, по суеверным представлениям, способен охранять его владельца от бедствий. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 26 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling2