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простой народstresses
gen. the lower orders; ordinary people; working people; peasant class (Notburga); the little people; grass roots (A.Rezvov); the commons (тж. the Third Estate, commonalty, commoners, populace the first two estates were formerly represented by the clergy, and the barons and knights later the Lords spiritual and the Lords temporal Taras); common folks (не богачи: Sailing is viewed as a pretty bougie activity for some reason, but for many decades it was a decidedly working class pastime and only recently, within the 2000’s, has it been gentrified out of affordability for the working class here in BC – largely via events like this. IMHO there has been a dedicated push to build this mentality over decades, to isolate common folks from any connection to maritime culture and thus reserve waterfront access and views purely for the wealthy. (Reddit) ART Vancouver); commons; little people; Third Estate; populace; plebs; commoners (Alex_Odeychuk); layfolk (maximrrrr); rascality
adv. common people
dipl. commons (в отличие от высших классов)
humor. the great unwashed (joyand)
Makarov. the common people
obs. populacy
psychol. commonality; demos
relig. vulgar; vulgus
slang joe public (Димон)
sociol. common folk (Andrey Truhachev)
"простой народ"
gen. Joe Q. Public (generic name in the United States, to denote a hypothetical member of society deemed a "common man." КГА)
простой народ"
: 12 phrases in 4 subjects