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verb | verb | to phrases
голосовать vstresses
gen. elect by balloot; vote by balloot; elect by ballot; take vote; divide, divide (возгласы, требующие прекращения прений и перехода к голосованию); cast a vote; take a balloot; take a ballot; come to a division; cast one's ballot (bookworm); ballot for (за кого-либо); cast one's vote (in an election / на выборах denghu); take a vote (Дмитрий_Р); stick one's hand out (на дороге, пытаясь остановить какое-либо транспортное средство Dmitrie); ballot (кого-либо); divide; ballot; vote (with за or против, for or against); vote on (with a dir. obj.); bum a ride (Can I bum a ride? лучше переводить как "вы меня не подкинете / не подбросите?" vogeler); poll
amer. thumb a ride (на дороге)
amer., inf. thumb (на дороге)
auto., inf. hitch; hitch (на дороге В.И.Макаров)
busin. cast vote; resolve
elect. cast ballot (MichaelBurov); put the bulletin into the box (MichaelBurov); take a ballot (Andrey Truhachev); have a ballot (on something Andrey Truhachev); hold a ballot (on something Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik, elect. put to the vote (impf and pf; pf also проголосовать); vote on (impf and pf; pf also проголосовать); vote for
Gruzovik, slang hitch a lift (impf and pf; pf also проголосовать)
inf. flag down (ловить такси, маршрутку, машину на трассе: We headed up to the main road where our friend flagged down a car. • I was shocked when she said that you don't call taxis, you flag them down. • One thing you got to watch out for is people trying to flag you down and block the road unless you pay them a fee. Кура Иванов); hitchhike; thumb a ride
jarg. hitch a ride
law go to the polls; voice
Makarov. hitch a ride; thumb a lift (на дороге); bum a ride (на дороге); hitch a lift (останавливать машину); hitch a ride (на дороге); poll one's vote; thumb a ride (на дороге); vote by ballot; wave down (ловить машину)
Makarov., amer. cast a ballot (на выборах); cast a vote (на выборах)
notar. cast votes
polit. vote in favour of (за что-либо Ольга Матвеева)
slang green thumb; on the thumb; thumb
sport. vote
transp. thumb a lift (на дороге)
"голосовать" v
auto., inf. hitch (просить подвезти)
Makarov. hitch a ride (просить подвезти)
голосоваться v
gen. vote (for); vote on; put to the vote
Gruzovik, elect. be put to the vote; be voted on
jarg. hitch a lift; hitch a ride
: 332 phrases in 20 subjects
American usage, not spelling7
British usage, not spelling1
Corporate governance1
Figure of speech1
Public law1
Quotes and aphorisms1
Trade unions1