
   Russian English
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gen. why; wherefore; and as a result; and because of that; for what reason; whence
inf. what's with
math. that is why
gen. paternal
| вы не
 вы не ... ?
gen. can you...?
| подошли
gen. come
| и не
 и не
gen. nor
| поговорили
gen. talk
| со
gen. co-
| мной
chinese.lang. xia
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
| гостиной
gen. drawing room
| Отчего
gen. why
| вы не
 вы не ... ?
gen. can you...?
| подошли
gen. come
| и не
 и не
gen. nor
| поговорили
gen. talk
| со
gen. co-
| мной
chinese.lang. xia
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
| гостиной
gen. drawing room

adjective | adverb | conjunction | to phrases
отчий adj.stresses
gen. paternal
obs. one’s father's
отчего adv.
gen. whence; whereby
Gruzovik for what reason
отчего conj.
gen. why; wherefore; and as a result; and because of that
inf. what's with (VLZ_58)
math. that is why
Отчего в
: 51 phrases in 7 subjects
Cliche / convention1
Obsolete / dated1