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二次燃烧 èrcì ránshāo
gen. after-running
avia. postcombustion
chem. afterrunning; afterfire
environ. afterburning An afterburner is a gadget fitted to the exhaust flues of furnaces and also to the exhaust systems of motor vehicles. They remove polluting gases and particles, which are the result of incompletely combusted fuel, by incineration and break down other chemical molecules associated with combustion into inert chemicals (后燃器是用于锅炉烟道或机动车排气系统的配件,可以通过焚化和分解将化学分子氧化为惰性化学物质,从而清除燃料不充分燃烧后产生的有毒气体和微粒。)
expl. aftercombustion
met. after-burning; post-combustion; secondary burning; second burning
space secondary combustion
tech. afterburning; after-combustion; afterflaming
CO 二次燃烧
met. post-combustion of CO; CO post combustion (These methods for increasing the quantity of scrap charged to the BOF converter include the preheating of scrap, the combustion of carbonaceous fuels, the oxidation of aluminum scrap, and CO post combustion. 这些增加氧气顶吹转炉废钢加人量的方法包括废钢预热、碳质燃料燃烧、废铝氧化以及一氧化碳二次燃烧等。)
【钢】 二次燃烧 èrcì ránshāo
met. post combust; post combustion
mech.eng. after burning
: 35 phrases in 4 subjects
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal3