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met. cast product (如铁、渣等: ①Besides the obvious loss in production and associated costs, the breakout damage sustained by the caster both short term and long term can effect the surface and/ or internal quality of the cast product 除了生产和相关费用受到明显损失外,漏钢对连铸机造成的无论是长期还是短期危害,都会对连铸坯表面和/或内在质量产生影响。② Mold fluxes for the casting of medium carbon steels are designed to have a high crystallinity index to form uniform heat transfer across slag layer and thus reduce the likelihood of longitudinal cracking in the cast product 中碳钢连铸用结晶器保护渣的设计目的是使其具有高的结晶指数以便使渣层均匀传热,从而降低连铸坯产生纵裂纹的可能性。)