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met. casting operation of liquid steel (Casting operation of liquid steel The term that refers to a technical process in which liquid steel with qualified chemical compositions is poured into a fixed shape solid according to the requires of rolling or forging. The two casting methods, the ingot casting or continuous steel casting methods, are generally used. Since the 1970's, the continuous casting has made considerable progress, but the ingot casting has died out gradually. 钢水浇注作业术语指的是根据轧钢或锻压的需要,将成分合格的钢水浇铸成具有一定形状固体的工艺过程。通常采用两种浇铸方法,即钢锭模浇注法和连铸法。自20世纪70年代以来,连铸获得了长足发展,模铸逐渐退出生产流程。)