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environ. chrysophyta The golden-brown and orange-yellow algae; a diverse group of microscopically small algae which inhabit fresh and salt water, many being planktonic. They contain carotenoid pigments and may be unicellular, colonial, filamentous or amoeboid (桔黄色和金褐色的海藻。显微镜下观测到的微小海藻的一个不同的种群,这种海藻生活在淡水和盐水中,很多都是浮游生物。它们包含类胡萝卜素,可能是单细胞、殖民的、细丝状的或变形虫样的。)
oil Chrysophyta
金 藻门
: 2 phrases in 1 subject
Oil / petroleum2