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远期汇票 yuǎnqī huìpiào
busin. long dated bill of exchange; time bill of exchange
commer. time bill (与即期汇票 (sight bill) 相对); period bill (起算日一般有以下三种:见票后 30 天(30 days after sight)、开票日后 30 天(30 days after date)、 提单开票后30天(30 days after date of bill of lading)); term bill (起算日一般有以下三种:见票后 30 天(30 days after sight)、开票日后 30 天(30 days after date)、 提单开票后30天(30 days after date of bill of lading)); usance bill (与即期汇票 (sight bill) 相对); time draft (起算日一般有以下三种:见票后 30 天(30 days after sight)、开票日后 30 天(30 days after date)、 提单开票后30天(30 days after date of bill of lading)); usance draft (与即期汇票 (sight bill) 相对)
econ. usance draft; a usance bill; a period bill; date draft
fin. bill at usance; long draft; term draft
interntl.trade. period bill; time bill; time draft; usance bill
logist. time usance draft
met. time draught
railw. usance bill/draft
securit. usance time draft
tech. usance bill (draft)
textile draft with usance; long bill; long exchange; long-term bank draft; usance bill of exchange
远期汇票指在未来一定时期承兑付款的汇票 yuǎnqī huìpiào
busin. acceptance draft
远期汇票即见票若干日,按规定期付款的汇票 yuǎnqī huìpiào
busin. after sight bill
远期汇票【票据】 yuǎnqī huìpiào
econ. log dated bill
远 期汇票
: 35 phrases in 10 subjects
International Monetary Fund1
International trade2
Project management1
Textile industry7