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gen. take action; act
archit. impel
busin. proceeding
CNC acting
manag. behavior; behaviour; performance
plann. operation
sport. action
| 准备状态
met. renewed state
| 检查
environ. inspection
| 特遣队
UN tech. contingent
gen. at
| 任务区
space task area
| 部署
comp., MS deployment
| 期间
gen. duration
| 至少
gen. at least
| 每6个
gen. each
gen. moon
| 进行
gen. proceed
| 一次
gen. once
gen. that
| 检查
environ. inspection
| 或者
gen. or
gen. at
| 特派
avia. detail
sport. group
| 认为
gen. deem
| 装备
hydroel.st. equipment
comp. alternation
| 服务
environ. services
| 不符合标准
textile off standard
gen. time
| 随时
tech. at any time
| 进行
gen. proceed
gen. that
rem.sens. item
| 检查
environ. inspection
- only individual words found

to phrases
行动 xíngdòng
gen. take action; act; abearance; astir; do; ongoing; play; procedure; purpose; thing; -ance; -ancy; -ism
anim.husb. locomotion
archit. impel; movement
auto. activity
busin. proceeding
CNC acting
econ. move
el. agoing
manag. behavior; behaviour; performance
mil., air.def. information, decision, action
plann. operation
proj.manag. conduct; deed
sport. action
voll. move about
行〔活,举〕 动
gen. doing
【动】行动 xíngdòng
auto. play
gen. course
行动的人,的整体,的产物 xíngdòng
gen. -ade
行动准备状态检查: 2 phrases in 1 subject
United Nations2