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met. crude steel output (In 1992, crude steel output at the steelworks was 8.7 million tonnes, of which 34.5 percent was from the basic oxygen converter, 15.4 percent from the electric-arc furnace, and 50.1 percent from the open hearth. 1992 年该钢厂粗钢产量为 870万 t, 其中的34.5%由碱性氧气转炉冶炼,15.4%由电弧炉冶炼,50.1%由平炉冶炼。); crude steel production; production of crude steel (This region has about 376 million inhabitants; in 2009 the production of crude steel amounted to 155 million tonnes. 该地区人口约为 3.76 亿,1999 年粗钢产量为 1.55 亿 t。); raw steel output; raw steel production (In 1992, the company's raw steel production of 10.3 million tonnes, 60 percent or roughly 6 million tonnes was made in the electric furnace, 34 percent or 3.4 million tonnes in the basic oxygen converter, and 6 percent in the open hearth. 1992年该公司粗钢产量为1030万 t, 其中60%,约600万 t 由电炉冶炼;34%,约 340 万 t 由碱性氧气转炉冶炼;其余6%由平炉冶炼。)
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