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竭尽全力 jiéjìn quánlì
gen. to the best of one's ability; to the utmost of one's ability; do all in one's power; do everything in one's power; do one's level best; to the best of one's power; try one's best; bring to bear on; to the full utmost extent; go to all lengths; go to all any length; go to great lengths; go for all the mables; max out; with might and main; by might and main; with all one's might; move heaven and earth; strain every nerve; to the utmost of one's power
archit. to the best utmost of one's ability
austral. shoot one's last bolt; shoot one's bolt
busin. best efforts
expl. at full blast
try one's level best
nautic. put on all sail
sport. do one's utmost; strain oneself
竭尽全力 jiéjìn quánlì
gen. strain every nerve
竭尽 全 力
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects