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社会福利指标 shèhuì fúlì zhǐbiāo
environ. social indicator Easily identified features of a society which can be measured, which vary over time, and are taken as revealing some underlying aspect of social reality. In general, the most commonly used indicators are derived from official statistics, and include unemployment figures, health and mortality data, and crime rates (容易识别的,可以衡量的,随着时间的推移而有所不同,并作为揭示社会现实的一些基本方面的社会特征。一般来说,最常用的指标是来自官方的统计数字,包括失业数字,健康和死亡率数据,以及犯罪率。)
HR social welfare indicators
interntl.trade. social indicator
tech. social welfare policy