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environ. environmental economics A recognized field of specialization in the discipline of Economics that embraces the issues of pollution control and environment protection, in which costs and benefits are difficult or impossible to estimate, much of the subject matter falling outside the competitive market system. Yet, it is an area in which immense common property resources need to be allocated sensibly to the overall public good. The subject is also very much concerned with ways and means to achieve this sensible allocation such as emission and effluent charges, user charges for the treatment or disposal of waste, environmental taxes, product charges, deposit refunds, tradeable pollution rights, performance bonds, natural resource accounting, and the economic implications of sustainable development (经济学学科中的一个专业领域,包括污染控制和环境保护问题,其中的成本与效益难以估计,大部分议题超出了竞争性市场体系范围。然而,它正是一个需要将大量公共财产资源合理分配以求大众福利的领域。 主题也需要考虑到此种合理分配的方法与策略,例如对空气污染以及废水污染排放的收费、废弃物处理会处置使用收费、环境税、产品收费、押金退款、污染排放交易权、绩效公债、自然资源的会计决算以及可持续发展的经济意义。)
interntl.trade. economics of environment
tech. environmental economy
UN, ecol. environmental economics
: 9 phrases in 5 subjects
Earth sciences1
United Nations3
Water resources1