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水葫芦 shuǐhúlú
anim.husb. waterhyacinth
environ. water hyacinth Floating aquatic plant, Eichornia crassipes of tropical America, having showy bluish-purple flowers and swollen leafstalks: family Pontederiaceae. It forms dense masses in rivers, ponds, etc., and is a serious pest in the southern U.S., Java, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Africa (浮动水生植物,美洲热带地区的水葫芦,有华丽的蓝紫色花朵和肿胀的叶柄:雨久花科。它形成于河流、池塘等的密集区,是美国南部、爪哇、澳大利亚、新西兰以及非洲部分地区的一种严重的有害植物。)
life.sc. common water-hyacinths
water.res., ecol. water hyacinth