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mil. "Thorough"
gen. thorough; to the bone; completely
archit. clean; through
dril. down right; down to the ground
fin. scrutiny
rude as old boots
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gen. elaborate
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to phrases
彻底 chèdǐ
gen. thorough; to the bone; completely; down; every inch; to the fingernails; to one's fingertips; to the fingertips; to the full; fully; down to the ground; hollow; per-; all to pieces; plumb; at all points; right; right down; right out; right through; all round; sheer; trans-; un-; from way back; well; ana-; cat-; cata-; e-; kata-
archit. clean; through
dril. down right; down to the ground
fin. scrutiny
fr. a fond
from the ground up
rude as old boots
slang like old boots
彻底 chèdǐ
gen. downright; out and out; right-down; whole-hog
hydroel.st. thorough
be +及物动词彻底 chèdǐ
gen. be-
mil. "Thorough" (号潜艇(英))
: 1 phrase in 1 subject