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【连】 引锭杆 yǐndìnggān
met. dummy bar (【技】由引锭头、过渡件和杆身组成。开浇前,引锭头和部分过渡件进人结晶器,形成结晶器"活底"并堵住结晶器下口;浇注开始后,钢水与引锭头凝结在一起,然后拉矫机从结晶器中拉出引锭杆和与引锭杆头连在一起的铸坯,连铸坯通过拉矫机后与引锭头脱离。引锭杆按安装方式分为上装式引锭杆和下装式引锭杆;按结构形式分为挠性引锭杆和刚性引锭杆。: ① The molten steel in the mould meets the dummy bar and freezes to it 结晶器内的钢水遇到引锭杆即与它凝结在一起。② At a certain level of steel in the mould two operations are immediately initiated: the mould unit begins to reciprocate in a vertical direction and the dummy bar is withdrawn through and down the machine. 结晶器内钢水面上升到一定高度,以下两种操作随即开始:结晶器开始上下往复振动,引锭杆在连铸机内被向下拉出。); ingot starting stub; starter bar; starting bar; starting stub
引锭杆 yǐndìnggān
met. dummy bar; ingot starting stub; starter bar; starting bar
引锭 杆
: 45 phrases in 2 subjects
Steel production1