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met. combi-caster; combination caster (【技】可浇铸多种坯型的连铸机,例如可浇铸小方坯、圆坯的连铸机。"兼用型连铸机"和"多用途连铸机",二者属异名同物。: In addition to dedicated long or flat products casters, combination casters give operators an extra degree of flexibility, and in these cases, long products and/or narrower slabs can be cast in the same continuous casting machine. 除了长材或扁平材专用连铸机外,兼用型连铸机使操作者具有了高度的灵活性。在这种情况下,使用同一台连铸机可以浇铸出长材和/或窄板坯。)
【连】 多用途连铸机
met. multipurpose caster
多 用 途连铸机: 2 phrases in 1 subject