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environ. exotic species
oil exotic species
| 管理
gen. regulate
environ. regulation
hydroel.st. supervision; management; operation
org.name. Plant Production and Protection Division
wind. operating
| 引进
gen. bring in
gen. and
| 转移
sport. shift
| 规范草案
bridg.constr. preliminary specifications

to phrases
外来物种 wài lái wù zhǒng
environ. exotic species Plants, animals or microorganisms which are introduced by humans into areas where they are not native. Exotics are often associated with negative ecological consequences for native species and the ecosystems (植物、动物或微生物被人类带到了非原生地。外来者通常会对本土物种和生态系统带来生态上的负面影响。)
oil exotic species
UN, ecol. alien species
外来物种: 6 phrases in 4 subjects
Name of organization3
United Nations1
Waste management1