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地表径流 dìbiǎo jìngliú
bridg.constr. overland flow
desert. direct runoff; rain wash
ecol. ground runoff
eng.geol. flowing sheet water; flowing surface water; land runoff
environ. surface runoff Water that travels over the soil surface to the nearest surface stream; runoff of a drainage basin that has not passed beneath the surface since precipitation (流经地表到达最近的地面流的水,一个流域的径流由于降水没有通过在表面之下。)
hydroel.st. overland runoff; surface runoff; immediate runoff; direct surface runoff
oil rainwash
tech. flowing sheet water (量); flowing surface water (量); immediate runoff (量); overland flow (量); overland runoff (量); runoff water (量); surface flow (量); surface running fluid (量); surface runoff (量)
UN, ecol. surface run-off
雨水地表径流 dìbiǎo jìngliú
eng.geol. rainwash
地表径流: 30 phrases in 7 subjects
Desert science2
Engineering geology3
Hydroelectric power stations2
Oil / petroleum1