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environ. groundwater endangering Threat to the quality and quantity of groundwater by activities related to the use of land. As some activities (e.g. landfill) present a particular risk of pollution, the closer an activity is to a well or borehole, the greater the risk of the pumped water being polluted. The type of soil, the geology, the rainfall and the amount of water pumped out of the ground must all be taken into consideration (由于土地使用的相关活动造成地下水之质与量的威胁。某些活动(如掩埋场)有其特定的污染风险,任何活动与井或凿孔的距离愈近,其抽出水质遭受污染的风险愈高。凡土壤的型态、地质、降雨量、和井水的抽出量,都应纳入考虑。)