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desert. quality of ground water
ecol. quality of groundwater
eng.geol. groundwater quality
environ. groundwater quality Groundwater accounts for over 95% of the earth's useable fresh-water resources; over half the world's population depends on groundwater for drinking-water supplies. This invisible resource is vulnerable to pollution and over-exploitation. Effective conservation of groundwater supplies requires the integration of land-use and water management (地下水占地球可用淡水资源的95%;超过半数的地球人口依靠地下水作为饮用水源。这种看不见的资源容易受到污染和过度开采,为有效节约地下水资源,必须整合土地使用和水资源管理。)
tech. evaluation of groundwater quality
地下水水质: 70 phrases in 5 subjects
Earth sciences1
Engineering geology10
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal1
Water resources15