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gen. guarantee
econ. security; warranty; warranty bond
econ. fr. fin. aval
IMF. pledged asset; pledge
| 情况
gen. circumstances
gen. descend
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to phrases
担保 dānbǎo
gen. guarantee; avouch (for); impawn; swear for; tell; undertake; undertaking
archit. indorse; security (物)
auto. WARR-warranty
busin. avouch; give bond; go ball for; avouchment; collateral; go bail for
commer. hypothecation
earth.sc. collateralization
econ. security pledge; warranty; warranty bond; secure; assumption; backing
econ., fr., fin. aval
el. indemnity bond
fin. warrant; guarantying
hydroel.st. vouch; wager
IMF. pledged asset; pledge
interntl.trade. assurance; bail; surety; cover; endorse; ensure; go bail for (to insure, to be responsible for); guaranty; hypothecate
manag. engage
proj.manag. recognizance; bond
securit. bonding; caution; vouching
tech. warranty (书)
textile assure; engagement; indorsement; security; sponsion; suretyship
担保〔发誓,答应〕 dānbǎo
gen. engage one's faith to; pledge one's faith to; plight one's faith to; give one's faith to
担保 dānbǎo
gen. guarant
担保 dānbǎo
gen. guarantee
担保人,物 dānbǎo
gen. surety
担保 dānbǎo
auto. guaranty
担保 dānbǎo
busin. surety
担保 dānbǎo
hydroel.st. warranty
〔法语〕 担保 dānbǎo
gen. aval
担保 dānbǎo
gen. security
担保 dānbǎo
auto. warranty
担保保证金 dānbǎo
exhib. surety
担保 情况 下
: 1 phrase in 1 subject