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archit. accrete
avia. progress; vegetation
desert. generation
life.sc. development
met. germination; growing
space vegetation
sport. grow; growth
| 大的
sport. big
- only individual words found

to phrases
生长 shēngzhǎng
gen. burnish; come; cradle; develop; merisis; move; movement; spring up; sprout (up); -plasia; -plasis; -plasy
agric. accretion; germinant (germinans); germinating (germinatans)
anim.husb. developing; grow up; waxing
archit. accrete; increment
avia. progress; vegetation
desert. generation
econ. quicken; spring
hydroel.st. spout; upgrowth
life.sc. development
met. germination; growing
pref. auxo-
sport. grow; growth
tech. upspring
生长量,部分 shēngzhǎng
gen. accretion
使生长 shēngzhǎng
gen. grow
生长物,过程 shēngzhǎng
gen. growth
植物生长 shēngzhǎng
gen. range
植物似地生长 shēngzhǎng
gen. vegetate
archit. growth
植物生长 shēngzhǎng
space vegetation
共同生长 shēngzhǎng
gen. accrete
细胞增大性生长 shēngzhǎng
gen. auxesis
生长法,的 shēngzhǎng
gen. growing
生长 shēngzhǎng
gen. upgrowth
archit. development
【动】生长 shēngzhǎng
auto. grow
: 6 phrases in 5 subjects
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal1