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environ. soil texture 1. Refers to the relative proportions of the various size groups (sand, silt and clay) of the individual soil grains in a mass of soil. 2. Classification of soil by the proportion and graduations of the three size groups of soil grains, i.e., sand, silt and clay, present in the soil (1. 指大量土壤中的个体土壤的各大小团体(沙,淤泥和粘土)的相对比例。 2. 土壤以土壤颗粒的大小和比例按等级分为三类,如土壤中现有的沙、淤泥和粘土等。)
tech. texture of soil
UN, ecol. soil texture
土壤质地: 25 phrases in 8 subjects
Desert science3
Earth sciences1
Engineering geology1
Hydroelectric power stations1
Soil science1
United Nations2