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土壤侵蚀 tǔrǎng qīnshí
anim.husb. land retirement
ecol. erosion of soil
environ. soil erosion Detachment and movement of topsoil or soil material from the upper part of the profile, by the action of wind or running water, especially as a result of changes brought about by human activity, such as unsuitable or mismanaged agriculture (由于风或流水的作用,尤其是人类活动,如不合适的或者管理不当的农业所带来的变化,使得层或坡面上的土壤材料分离或移动。)
hydroel.st. soil erosion
tech. soil corrosion; soil denudation (作用)
土壤侵蚀[作用] tǔrǎng qīnshí
desert. destruction of soil; soil denudation
土壤侵蚀作用 tǔrǎng qīnshí
hydroel.st. soil denudation
土壤侵蚀: 94 phrases in 9 subjects
Desert science3
Earth sciences26
Hydroelectric power stations10
Rail transport3
Soil science3