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 M 毫无 M
gen. not a shred of; have not a spark of
 M 毫无M
gen. without a suspicion of
gen. of no; with no; none; have not an atom of; nothing in life
archit. not an ace
austral. not a sausage
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to phrases
毫无 háowú
gen. of no; with no; none; have not an atom of; nothing in life
archit. not an ace
austral. not a sausage
M 毫无一点儿 M
gen. not a shred of
M 毫无M
gen. without a suspicion of
M 毫无 〔不〕M
gen. have not a spark of
毫无〔不〕 háowú
inf. not a jot
: 5 phrases in 1 subject