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gen. excessively; too; very much or extremely
IT tera
met. trillion
metrol. tera
multimed. tera-
oil trillion
space tera; trillion
| 不相 符
tech. discrepancy
- only individual words found

to phrases
gen. excessively; too; very much or extremely; tera; to excess; far too; over and above; overly; overmuch; troppo; over-
avia. trillion (拉)
oil trillion
space tera (拉); trillion (拉,即 10¹2)
stat. in excess
telecom. megamega; tera-
gen. megamega; tricro
IT tera
met. trillion
multimed. tera-
拉;10¹² tài
gen. tera
美,法 tài
gen. trillion
SI 制词头:10¹² tài
el. tera
意大利语M 用作演奏指示
gen. tanto
+形容词或副词 tài
gen. too
词头拉 10¹² tài
auto. tera
太〔拉〕 tài
earth.sc. megamega
词头 tài
metrol. tera prefix
太不相 符: 1 phrase in 1 subject