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environ. introduction of animal species Animals which have been translocated by human agency into lands or waters where they have not lived previously, at least during historic times. Such translocation of species always involves an element of risk if not of serious danger. Newly arrived species, depending on their interspecific relationships and characteristics, may act as or carry parasites or diseases, prey upon native organisms, display toxic reactions, or be highly competitive with or otherwise adversely affect native species and communities (被人类机构移位到所在地以前,至少有历史可查时期,没有存在于土地或水中的动物。这种物种移位总会涉及一定的风险,有时甚至于是严重危机。取决于所引进物种的种间关系和特点,他们可以作为或携带侵食本地生物的寄生虫或疾病,引起毒素反应,或者与本地物种相比具有高度竞争力,或以其他方式严重影响本地物种和群落。)
动 物物种引进
: 2 phrases in 1 subject