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冷藏设备 lěngcáng shèbèi
agric. refrigeration equipment
anim.husb. cold storage facilities
econ. refrigeration facility
environ. refrigeration The cooling of substances, usually food, below the environmental temperature for preservative purposes. Refrigeration is responsible for the largest and fastest-growing use of CFCs in the developing world. The industrial countries, and some developing countries, have taken exceptional steps to control and, eventually, ban the production of CFCs and other ozone-depleting materials by the year 2000. However, many developing nations have not signed the Montreal Protocol because they are afraid that the cost of changing over to alternative, ozone-friendly technology will be too high (为了保存物体,通常将食物降温到低于环境温度。冷藏设备的使用导致发展中国家大量使用CFC。2000年,工业国家和一些发展中国家通过排除氟利昂的措施控制和阻止CFC和其它破坏臭氧的物质的生产。然而,很多发展中国家没有签署蒙特利尔议定书因为他们担心使用替代的不破坏臭氧的技术成本太高。)
food.ind., can. cold storage equipment
tech. refrigerating installation; refrigerating machine; refrigerating plant
冷藏设备冷藏装置 lěngcáng shèbèi
nautic., tech. refrigerating installations
冷 藏 设备
: 7 phrases in 6 subjects
Animal husbandry1