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公共财政 gōnggòng cáizhèng
environ. public finance The theory and practice of governmental money matters, including taxation, spending, transfer and property incomes, borrowing, debt and revenue management (政府资金,包括税收、开支、收入和财产转让,以及借款、债务和收入管理。); public financing The act of obtaining or furnishing money or capital for a program, purchase or enterprise from the general population of a community or state, usually through government allocation of tax revenues (通常是通过政府的税收收入实现分配的行为,包括社会或国家,一般民众或企业进行的交易。)
IMF. public finance
textile government finance
公 共财政: 14 phrases in 6 subjects
International Monetary Fund3
Project management1
United Nations1