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低碳钢 dītàn gāng
archit. dead soft steel; dead steel
dril. soft steel
met. decarbonized steel; low-carbon steel (【技】含碳量 ≤0. 25% 的钢,具有强度低、塑性高、韧性高及良好的加工成型性和焊接性能,适于制造形状复杂和需要焊接的构件。普通低碳钢一般不进行热处理而直接使用。优质低碳钢或不进行热处理,或进行表面硬化处理,主要用于生产普通薄钢板、无缝钢管、焊接钢管、普通线材等;也广泛地作为渗碳钢,用于机械制造业。: ① Low-carbon steels are soft, tough steels that are easily machined and welded. 低碳钢既软又韧,易于机加工和焊接。 ②The case-carburizing process makes the surface of steel hard while its inside retains the toughness characteristic of low-carbon steel. 表面渗碳法能使钢的表面硬化,而内部仍保持低碳钢的韧性。); mild carbon steel; mild steel; mild-steel sheet; soft carbon steel; soft steel (0.12〜0.2C, V 0.2Si,0.3〜0.5Mn, <0.05P, <0.05S); mild-carbon steel; mild steel (①When mild steel or certain alloy steels are heated above 900°C, in contact with carbon, that element is absorbed at the surface of the steel. The depth of the carbon enrichment depends on the time and temperature of the treatment; this process is known as 'case-carburizing'. 当软钢或某些合金钢加热到 900°C 以上并与碳接触时,碳元素即被吸收到钢的表层。这一富碳层厚度取决于处理的时间和温度;这一工艺过程称之为"表面渗碳"。② A mild steel carburized at about 925 °C for eight hours has a depth of outside 'case' of about a millimeter, and a carbon content of 0.9 per cent at and near the surface. 软钢在 925°C 左右渗碳 8h, 其外表渗碳层厚度约为1 mm, 表面及其附近含碳量为 0.9%。); quiet steel; steel with low carbon content
oil mild carbon steel
space low carbon steel
tech. dead mild steel; dead-soft steel; ingot iron; low steel; semi-steel
【钢】 低碳钢 dītàn gāng
met. decarbonized steel
低 碳钢
: 148 phrases in 14 subjects
Bridge construction2
Engineering geology1
Hydroelectric power stations1
Mechanic engineering1
Oil / petroleum3
Steel production1