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gen. as is now well; it is well known that; light; it is notorious that; to a proverb
| 不同类
gen. inhomogeneity
gen. model; type
| 岩石的破碎
tech. rock breakdown
| 特点
gen. characteristic
| 差别很大
gen. make a great difference
| 尤其
gen. especially
gen. at
| 破碎曲线
expl. fragmentation curve
gen. of
| 细端
tech. short end
| 变化
hydroel.st. change
gen. big
| 因为
gen. as
| 岩石破碎
bridg.constr. rock breaking
gen. accept or receive
| 自身的
met. in-house
| 内在
gen. inner
| 属性
math. attribute
| 控制
hydroel.st. control
| 而不是
busin. instead of
gen. accept or receive
| 岩石
environ. rock
| 自身的
met. in-house
| 大缺陷
busin. major defect
gen. and
| 结构的
gen. structural
| 控制
hydroel.st. control

to phrases
众所周知 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī
gen. it is well known that; light; it is notorious that; to a proverb
gen. it is a matter of common observation that...; it is a matter of general observation that...
正如现在众所周知 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī
gen. as is now well
众所周知: 20 phrases in 8 subjects
Bridge construction1
Cosmetics and cosmetology1
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal2
Hydroelectric power stations1
Project management1