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noun | abbreviation
TA [tɑ:] n
comp., MS terminálový adaptér (A device that is used as a modem in a Microsoft Windows integrated services digital network (ISDN) installation)
 English thesaurus
TA [tɑ:] abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. transplantation antigen
abbr., auto. thorax airbag; traction assist; trailing arm; two-speed axle
abbr., avia. target advisory; technological approval; tee adapter; tentative approval; test administrator; test aid; treat alarm; thermal anti-ice; time to arrival; tooling aid; top attack; training advisor; trial assembly; trunnion angle; twin aisle
abbr., commun. multi-protocol Terminal Adaptor; Traffic Announcement
abbr., med. alkaline tuberculin; temperature, axillary; test age; transaldolase; transantral; tryptophane acid (reaction); tube agglutination
abbr., mil. tasking authority (NATO)
abbr., mil., air.def. tactical assessment
abbr., nucl.phys. threshold amount
Ta [tɑ:] abbr.
abbr. absolute ambient temperature; absolute surface temperature; talc
abbr., el. temperature of ambient
abbr., med. tantalum; tabby; Applanation tonometry
energ.ind. fuel burning adiabatic temperature
TAES abbr.
abbr. Teletrak Environmental Sy
abbr., mil. theater aeromedical evacuation system
TAE abbr.
abbr. Trial And Error; Transportable Applications Environment; Transportable Applications Executive
abbr., avia. Taegu, Republic of Korea; technical assistance engineering
abbr., chem., scient. Total Activity Enhancer
abbr., commer. traditional agricultural export
abbr., commun. Trackside Application Entry
abbr., el. test access equipment; test answer evaluator; track angle error
abbr., el., scient. True Analog Emulation
abbr., fishery total allowable fishing effort
abbr., IT Terminal Adapter Equipment; Taligent Application Environment
abbr., Makarov. transactinide elements
abbr., med. Transcatheter Arterial Embolism (EDTA); Triacetate Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA); Transcatheter Arterial Embolization
abbr., O&G, sakh. temporary agreed emissions
abbr., st.exch. Targets Trust IV
mil. tactical aeromedical evacuation; tactical aircraft establishment; transoceanic airborne environment