
   Serbian Latin
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verb | verb | to phrases
umreti v
gen. close one's days; decease; depart; die; end; expire; fail; be gathered to one's fathers; go the way of all flesh; go off; hop the twig; kick the bucket; pass on; pass over; pay the debt of nature; hop the perch; go pop; predecease; quit the scene; slip away; snuff it; succumb
amer. peer over the fence
avunc. pip out
coll. peg out
fig. drop; make one's exit; go hence; knock over; pass; pass away; cash in; end one's days; go home; go to a better world; go to one's account; go to one's last home; go to kingdom come; rejoin the majority; meet one's Maker; yield up the ghost
inf. hand in one's checks; evaporate; end up; kiss the dust
law bleed; draw one's last breath; breathe one's last breath; decease (lat. exitus; decessus); demise (lat. exitus); depart from life; depart this life; meet one's end; fade away; go to glory; gone on; perish (lat. perire); called to one's eternal rest; sink into the grave; succumb (lat. succumbere); leave this world
poetic part
slang croak; go aloft; go out; pop off the hooks; turn up one's toes; bite the dust; check out; cop it; feel no pain; cark (it); kark it; kick it; kick the bucket (My grandmother kicked the bucket the day after winning the top prize on the bingo — Moja baka je odapnula papke dan nakon što je osvojila glavnu nagradu na bingu); peg-it; pop one's clogs (I'm afraid old Fred has finally popped his clogs — Bojim se da je stari Fred konačno odapnuo papke); snuff-it (Bing Crosby snuffed it at the ripe old age of 73 just after finishing a game of golf — Bing Krozbi je umro u 73-oj godini života, odmah nakon što je završio partiju golfa)
slang, austral. kark (it); cark it
umro v
law gone
: 136 phrases in 8 subjects
Obsolete / dated1