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abbr. Orient
abbr. on sale (Vosoni); outstanding (Vosoni)
abbr., avia. out of sequence; out-of-sequence; over size; overstock
abbr., busin. on postal service; on sale or return; on sample; on spot; one side; outsize; oversight
abbr., cryptogr. operating system
abbr., econ. old series; on the spot; oversea; old style
abbr., el. oxide/silicon interface
abbr., logist. open side container
abbr., met. oversize (Atenza)
abbr., oil out of stock; operation signal; out of service; overseas
abbr., securit. outstanding shares
abbr., space overspeed
mil. out-of-service
O&G opportunity study
abbr. Ohio State Reports; Oklahoma Statutes
abbr., avia., med. oculus sinister
abbr., commer. obligation solidaire
abbr., data.prot. operating system, OS
abbr., earth.sc. off-side; oil switch; outsize
abbr., econ. one side; one-sided; ordinary seaman; outstanding
abbr., lat. Old Style
abbr., med. left eye; left eye (лат. oculus sinister)
abbr., mining. oil sand
abbr., slang overseas ("he's gone O.S.")
abbr., tech. over size; oversize
abbr., textile outside seam
railw. out secondary
abbr. old series (Vosoni); oneself (xaskin); oculus sinister - left eye; out of stock; outsides; outside secondary; oversight
abbr., commer. on spot
abbr., econ. on sale; on sale or return; on the spot; oversea; on sample
cinema off screen (Alexander Oshis)
abbr. operating and support; Operations & Support
abbr., commer. also a life cycle cost category
abbr., mil. Operations and Support
abbr., mil., avia. orientation and stabilization
abbr., scottish Operations & Support / Sustainment
abbr., space operational and support
tech. over and short
abbr. offset
account. outstanding (cheque)
O&G outside (andrushin)
O S.
abbr. ounces (Vosoni)
O & S
abbr. operation and support
abbr. operation signal
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