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GE abbr.
abbr. Gainfully Employed; Global Economy; Global Era; Golden Era; Good Enough; Great Escape; Garrison Engineer; Gaussian Elimination; General Election; General Evaluator; Generate Environment; Generous Electric; George And Elizabeth; Gold Eagle (hizman); Gone Elsewhere; Grade Equivalency; Graphic Escape; Graphically Enhanced; Graphics Editor; Grass Eater; Greedy Earthmen; Green Empowerment; Gremlin Extraordinaire; Guaranteed Employment; General Electic Corporation; General Electric Co.
abbr., agric. gross energy
abbr., anim.husb. gastric edema
abbr., automat. greater than or equal to (ssn)
abbr., avia. General Electric Company (Corporation); geared engine; ground effect; ground electrical; gust envelope; Trans-Asia Airways
abbr., busin. Germany; graphite
abbr., chem., scient. Germanium; Group Element
abbr., commer. Government Estimate
abbr., comp., net., IT Gigabit Ethernet
abbr., earth.sc. Committee on Geographical Exploration; geoelectric effect; geological environment; global error; greenstone
abbr., econ. Eurodollar 3 month (http://www.forexsniper.ru/?p=269 Johnny Bravo); gold equivalent (Atenza); grant element
abbr., ed. General Education; Grade Equivalent
abbr., el. gas evolution; gate equivalent; gateway exchange; Gauss elimination; geometric engine; gimbal electronics; graded emitter (transistor); graphics engine
abbr., file.ext. Config file (GEcho); Greater Than/Equal To
abbr., food.ind. Good Eating
abbr., genet. genetically engineered
abbr., inet. Got Everything
abbr., IT Greater Or Equal
abbr., med. Gastric Empyting; Gastroemotional; Gastroenterology; Gastroenterostomy; Gastroesophageal; Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; Glycoprotein E; Genetic Engineering; Genetically Engineered; glucose-electrolyte; guanethidine
abbr., med.appl. Gradient Echo (импульсная последовательность градиентного эха в МРТ; градиентное эхо VasDoc)
abbr., media. Great Entertainment
abbr., mil. Global Engagement; general engineering (Киселев)
abbr., mil., avia. Galaxy Express
abbr., nautic., scient. Global Environment
abbr., oil geological engineer; gas equivalent; geophysics; geoscience electronics; graft efficiency; green energy; gyro error
abbr., pest.contr. gas generating product
abbr., physiol. Gastro Enterology
abbr., pipes. grooved ends (о трубах Bauirjan)
abbr., polit. Georgia; Federal Republic of Germany
abbr., progr., IT Game Engine
abbr., scottish General Electric Co. (USA); Germany (NATO country code)
abbr., soil. gelundic phase
abbr., space graphite epoxy; gyroscope error
abbr., survey. ground elevation (igisheva)
abbr., swiss. Geneva (сокр. небольшой по площади франкоязычный кантон на юго-западе Швейцарии. Столица — город Женева. 'More); Republic and Canton of Geneva ('More)
abbr., telecom. grounding equalizer (MichaelBurov)
abbr., tradem. General Electric; General Electric Corporation; Global Express
abbr., typogr. gilt edges
energ.ind. generated electricity; green electricity
invest. gilt-edged
mil. general expenses; ground emitter; ground engineer; ground equipment; group of experts; guidance electronics
O&G greater than or equal to operator block
physiol., med. Gastroenteritis
tech. gage; gyrocompass error
ge abbr.
abbr. gas ejection; good evening; gasoline
abbr., earth.sc. geikielite
mining. gasoline engine; gauge
Ge abbr.
abbr. germanium
abbr., earth.sc. geology
abbr., oil gehlenite
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